
Your Guide On How To Fix Uneven Patio Slabs

Generally, local patio builders always share a very good list of tips to fix uneven patio slabs but this list easily gets misplaced once your slab gets older. For this, we have gathered some really useful tips for you following two simple steps.

Step 1: Identify the Problem Behind the Unevenness

To begin with any repair, you must identify the root cause behind the problem so that you can be sure about what method you need to use. For instance, the reasons for uneven patio slabs could be laying of slab on an uneven bed, insufficient sub base or proper time was not given after mortar application and so on. Once you are sure about the reason, it is much easier to look for solution and repair the slabs.

Step 2: Clean the Surface

This step is also equally important in leveling the brick or stone patio slabs as even a small part of dirt can result in a huge hurdle to make an even surface. Honestly, these small particles play a major role in uneven and rough surfaces that you keep on regretting later. So, make sure to properly clean the surface, better with a broom and a pressure washer. Pressure washer is also helpful to remove the old hardened dirt but don’t forget to dry the surface completely before starting the repair process.

Useful Tips for Fixing Uneven Patio Slabs

Use Mortar for Leveling

This is the easiest yet most common method of leveling your uneven patio where you put a new layer of mortar over the surface to make it even uniformly. You will just need a brick chisel for this purpose along with a small sledgehammer, masonry bit and a trowel. Use sledgehammer to make rough surface and then drill tiny holes using masonry bits. Once it is done, pour mortar solution over surface to begin the leveling part. This has to be untouched for at least thirty minutes to cure properly and then use trowel for finishing of surface.

Leveling with Latex Primer and Compound

This procedure is somewhat similar to mortar leveling method but here you will have to perform an additional step which gives more efficient results. That is, you need to take solution of latex primer in a tray and use a brush to apply a coating of latex primer over your damaged slab surface. Allow it to dry for about half an hour and alas, you can see all the uneven points quite visibly as those points have lowered over the surface. You need to use a two to four inches’ wooden board over the concrete surface and repair the areas where this board does not lay flat visibly. Now, simply make the compound mixture free of lumps and apply a coating of mixture over identified lower points and use a trowel to smooth out the complete surface. Allow it to dry for at least 24 to 36 hours now and here you go with a fully smooth surface of slab ready to use.

Mending and Patching

Patching is a perfect method if only a small area of your slab requires repairing while the other part is completely okay. Here, you need to cut that part where repair is needed and put sand to pack it there completely which helps in leveling and then put that cut part of slab over this sanded concrete. Make sure to fill all the gaps properly to prevent water ingression. You will need some tools like tamping machine for packing sand and crowbar to remove the damaged part of concrete carefully as otherwise you might end up damaging the slab more.

Pumping Concrete Mixture

This is another method of leveling the uneven patio slabs where the concrete mixture is pumped underneath the existing slab so the level can be raised to a desired magnitude. But this method shows better results if performed by some professionals like proper patio contractors Long Island. It is because this method is a bit tricky requiring extensive knowledge of slabs, techniques and specialist equipment which is not there in case of DIY projects. Also, you need to know that even a slight mistake may result in damaging the slab more so better safe than sorry and hire a professional help to keep your slab safe and smooth obviously.

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