
What Is An Ultrafiltration Water Filter? Benefits & Drawbacks

When it comes to water purification, you might have heard of ultraviolet filtration, activated carbon, but have you ever heard of ultrafiltration? Well, this is a newer water treatment technique, and here is everything you need to know about it.

What Is Ultrafiltration?

Filtration is a mechanical process that uses a fine mesh to remove sediments and suspended particles in water.

Ultrafiltration is the same exact thing but on steroids. Ultrafiltration is a process in which a sheet membrane or mesh of a very small micron size is used to remove all sorts of sediments from the water.  It is a mechanical process that is amazing when it comes to the efficient removal of suspended particles and dirt from the water.

Water, either coming from taps, faucets, or even a well, can contain a lot of particles and you need to filter them properly in order to make it potable. This is why ultrafiltration is an amazing technique to get rid of almost all kinds of impurities in water.

Ultrafiltration can remove the following things from water:

  • Sand/silica
  • Silt
  • Scale
  • Endotoxins
  • Plastics
  • Smog or murky layer of sludge on top of water
  • Viruses and bacteria
  • Microorganisms
  • Anything which lies within the size range of 103-106 Daltons

Ultrafiltration Vs. Reverse Osmosis

Ultrafiltration is an amazing way to remove almost all kinds of impurities in water, and in some cases, it is said to be even more effective in removing scale and silt than reverse osmosis.

The filtration membrane is pretty much the same as a semipermeable membrane in a reverse osmosis system, but it is still a mechanical filter, so it lets water pass through easily and it allows all of the impurities to be left behind. The main driving force is the pressure exerted by the water on the bulk volume of it when it passes through a filter.

It allows the water to push through, but it doesn’t let the impurities go anywhere, which is the same basic mechanism of a reverse osmosis water filtration process.

In the end, ultrafiltration removes smallest of suspended contaminants but can’t remove dissolved contaminants whereas a reverse osmosis system Brookeville can also remove dissolved contaminants.

Methods Of Ultrafiltration

Ultrafiltration is of two types and they’re really convenient for either over-the-countertops or even in faucets.

Point-Of-Use Ultrafiltration

These ultrafiltration water filters are attached to the top of the countertops. So, they are accessible and they’re really easy to use. Point-of-use water filters can also be transported, so you can use them any and everywhere you want.

This system is really convenient for a lot of people who move a lot or don’t want to install anything. They can just set it and forget it.

Point-Of-Entry Ultrafiltration

Point-of-entry ultrafiltration systems are installed either in taps or faucets as filters. They are activated when you screw on the tap and faucet and the water coming out will get filtered and purified.

This is very convenient for people who just want to install one thing and from there, they can get access to fresh, clean, and filtered water anytime they want. To maintain them, you will need to remove the filter, clean it, and then reinstall it, which can be a bit of work.

Benefits Of Ultrafiltration Water Filter

Now that you know what ultrafiltration water filters are and what their types are, here are some amazing benefits of this filter, that will even leave reverse osmosis behind.

No Chemicals Needed

This filtration process is entirely mechanical, so you don’t need to go for anything that is chemical-based. A lot of the time, people are very skeptical when it comes to water filtration or purification because things like chlorine, activated charcoal, and other chemicals are used that can impart a weird taste in water.

So, ultrafiltration is a great method that won’t lead to any weird taste in water and you can get away with simple filtration and almost all kinds of impurity removal.

Precise Filtration

Ultrafiltration is a very precise filtration process. As you already know, it can get rid of almost all kinds of impurities, from plastics to micro-sediments and everything in between. This is a great filtration system for people who want something that will ensure that the water is clean and clear, however, not as clear as the water obtained from an RO plant.

If you want, you can even attach an ultrafiltration water filter with an RO plant to get the maximum filtration of water and get purified water. You will be surprised by the results and it will also ensure that the semi-permeable membrane in RO remains intact for a long time.


Ultrafiltration is also a very environmentally sustainable process. Unlike most filters that need to be replaced, an ultrafiltration filter is really easy to clean and reuse for a long time.

They last a lot longer than regular filters and they are just amazing when it comes to use for everyday water filtration. You will see how less you will need to actually replace the filters, once you clean it up nicely. It will be amazing and you will use the same filter for a long time.

Downsides Of Ultrafiltration Water Filter

Ultrafiltration is amazing and it’s gained an upper hand in the water filtration world, but it’s not all clear water and freshness. There are also a lot of downsides to this filter that you need to know about.

Maintenance Required

First things first, even though an ultrafiltration filter doesn’t need to be replaced as often, cleaning it can be just as hard.

Since the mesh size is very small, it can get clogged and there are a lot of issues with cleaning it. You need the right brush, the right equipment, and tools in order to clean it properly without tearing the mesh or damaging it by any means.

Relatively New

Ultrafiltration is not as old as reverse osmosis. Sure, fine filtration is a thing of the 90s, but it didn’t come into play until a few years back. So, ultrafiltration, even though it is an amazing technique, is still a new addition to the world of water filters, so you need to understand that not everything will be as easy for you.

Yes, maintaining an ultrafiltration water filter isn’t hard by any means, but it is still a new technique and people are still new to its use. So, things can take a bit of time to get used to.

Can Be Expensive

Ultrafiltration is also an expensive mode of filtration. Since it is a newer filtration technique, it is also very rare and not available readily in a lot of retail stores. So, it is going to be expensive. Not only this, the maintenance costs of the ultrafiltration water filter can also exceed normal filtration prices, since it is still very much new.

So, if you want to go for it, then you need to know these things before going in. This will allow you to make a better decision for yourself.


Ultrafiltration water filters are amazing when it comes to efficient filtration of water and you will be left stunned by the results. So, this type whole house water filtration system Derwood is worth a try if your water problem is related to suspended contaminants.

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