

Natural remedies to allergy

Since allergies are caused by natural aspects like pollen, grass, weeds, trees, etc. the treatments for those allergic reactions are also obtained from the natural sources for allergy treatment. Those external skin allergies can be treated well with natural sources. In thecase of skin rashes triggered out of itching can be minimized by taking a cold bath which shrinks the blood vessels and blocks the secretion of histamine. Also soaking colloidal oatmeal 10 to 15 minutes in the bathing water and taking a mild cleansing of body soothes the itchy areas and prevents spreading of infection. Some of the naturally available sources are used in relief of allergic symptoms without using medicines.


It is used for allergic relief, and heart burns relief. Also, Apple cider vinegar helps in digestion, weight loss. What answers to how does it acts in the body is its ability to reduce the mucous production and enhance the lymphatic systems to work against allergies.


Neti pot is the ceramic cleansing pot which is used by loading with sterile saline and administered in drops into the nostrils. The normal saline will soothe and relaxes the mucous membrane and enables easy breathing and decongestant effect.This is one of the ancient traditional methodsthat is still in practice.


It is natural bioflavonoid acts by stabilizing the mast cells to release heparin which enhances the coagulation of blood and blocks the secretion of histamine. Anti – oxidant effect of quercetin reduces the inflammation after prolonged itching. It is advised to take 4 -6 weeks before allergic symptoms that might reduce the effect of allergies. Citrus and broccoli show a meager amount of quercetin which is insufficient for dosage. So, thesupplementary dose is recommended. Moreover, it is not recommended during pregnancy at least not before thefirst trimester.


Chosen for its multiple reasons such as anti-histaminic, anti-inflammatory, anti-hypertensive, and diuretic effect. Both the aerial and subaerial parts of nettle are thebeneficiary. Avail in powdered form and used in combination of peppermint leaf powder. Nettle capsules are now available which ensures fast relief of allergies without any side effects.


It is called as natural allergy “shot” which performs its action by simple intake in sufficient amount before any allergic reactions. Those who intake the local honey from their epidemic areas is subject to develop resistivity to allergic symptoms.
Get it tested at the allergy and asthma clinic Chantilly va.


Categories:   Health & Fitness
